Friday, May 8, 2009

Community Service

I cleaned up market street up in Redding. I chose to clean up market street up because it was close to my parents work. Well my parents work is right on that street. It was one of the easiest things that I could think of. I also washed cars at a car lot a couple blocks near my parents shop. Washing those cars took forever to do.

Well its simple, I just walked up and the street and picked up trash. It lasted so long, it felt like it took for ever when I was doing it. there was a huge hill there to. Walking up and down that hill was a pain. I was trying not to get hit by cars to. There are some stupid drivers there to. When I washed cars I took soap and water and washed them.

Well I washed cars and cleaned market street because it was right next to my parents shop. It was the easest thing that I could do because I had to go to work afterwards. Although it was hard work doing these activities it made me feel good about my self as a person. it was a new expierience helping others woth community service.

What i learned that it feels good to be the person who goes on the calls to help others. it feels good to be the good guy who is always there. i love that feeling. If you haven't felt that feeling before you should it fills you with joy for helping the ones in need.

What did I learn about my self? Well I learned that I don't like to do community service that much. I it wasnt that bad to help clean the streets. Washing the cars sucked and there were at least 22 of them. Well I guess that I cant say anything because it wasn't a big car lot, thank god.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Star Wars

The hero is Luke Skywalker.

The people that helped Luke along the way were Han Solo, R2-D2, Obi One Kinobi, C3-PO, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia.

Luke's mentor/ threshold guardian is Obi One Kinobi.

At the beginning of the movie he wanted to help his uncle with the farming. Then they bought new droids(R2-D2, and C3PO). R2-D2 showed part of a message to Luke about some girl wanting help from Obi One Kinobi. Luke was thinking maybe he had a connection with Old Ben Kinobi which happens to be the same person. Obi One wants luke to go with him. Luke didn't want to go with Obi One, but then something happened to him(his family was killed by the empire). That's when he changed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pakistan’s Islamic Schools

The lack of schooling in Pakistan will not affect the united states but it will really affect Pakistan. I seriously dought that it will affect the world.