Thursday, January 8, 2009

what ive learned

I learned how to wake up consistently at 6:00 in the morning to go to school. Ive learned how to speak in front of a class when doing a project. When i was in English class we would always have to do a book report in front of the class. I was always scared to do it, i would shake, mumble, and do a lot of other stuff.Then one of the teachers helped me with that problem. They told me to imagine that i was the only one in the room and it helped me a lot.
I learned that you can sleep in someones class and still pass it. In my sophmore year in high school, there was a class that i would sleep in. I would sleep when we would take notes and i wouldn't always do the work. But the funny thing is that i would always pass the tests and quizes with at lest a 78% on them. they weren't easy tests ether. Mabe my head is like a sponge when im sleeping in class because i couldn't really pass any other tests besides math.

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