Monday, April 6, 2009

Things Not to Learn in School

1. You only need to get a 70
Ya Ive learned that one but I only do it in school because you only need a 70% in the class. I do stuff way different in the real world then from school. In school I only give between 65% to 85% depending on what it is and in real life i give 100%.

2. The tests will mostly be multiple choice
Ya in school they are mostly multiple choice but then you get those essay questions that have the stupidest thing you have to right about. Life you dont get four choices you mostly get a 50% chance.

3. There will always be a retest
There will never be a retest in life but there is always a second chance besides when your dead.

5. You only need to know whats on the test
Ya you really only need to know whats on the test to pass it.

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