Friday, December 19, 2008


How are relationships between stepparents and stepchildren generlly depicted in fiction or film? Well in films stepparents and stepchildren usually dont get a long in the begining but as the film goes on they start to like each other. In real life that doesnt happen all the time. Sometimes they never get along.

I have lots of experience with or knowledge of step-relationships becauce I have a stepdad. My sister also has a lot of experinence with this to. My mom and stepdad met when i was six.My stepdad was my base ball coach so i new him before it happened. Then my mom and him started dating.

Me and my stepdad never really had conflicts and barriers that we had to over come. We got along just fine when we first met when I was playing tee ball. Ever sence than we really never fought or anything like that. My stepdad is like my best friend, he is not really like my stepdad.

There really arent any advantages to having a stepdad but you do get more presents then with out him. There are some postive aspects of this relationship. Like you have someone you can count on when ever you need it. You can tell him anything with out him telling you mom.

The relationships between stepdad and stepchildren are not always going to end up like the movies did like mine. They are going to vary between good and bad. I was lucky enough that i didnt have conflicts and barriers.

Madness in great ones must not go unwatched

In the book "Hamlet" King Claudius states that "Madness in great ones must not go unwatched." He is refering to something like when our president dropped two nuclear warheads on japan. That wiped out a lot of people in japan and only if we kept a watch on him that might not have happened.

Madness in great ones is true in any time and age. The Romans and the Nazi's are good examples for this.The Romans expanded their empire to big, scattered their troops to wide and got ran over. Like the romans, the Nazis pretty much did the same thing as they did. Also the Nazis used genocide to kill all the jews in ways im not going to say.

In recent news stories president George Bush sent lots of troops to Iraq. He says that he went there because of threats of WMD. They went there and there was no weapons of mass distruction there. So it seems to me that they just went there to kick Iraqs ass. We have given our president to much power or are there people pulling strings behind the seens.

Our society keeps checks and balances on our "great one" by the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The Executive Branch has the President, Vice President, and all the cabinet members witch can pass or veto a bill. The Legislative branch has all together there are 535 congress members witch writes laws on bills and The Judiciary branch explains and applies the laws and is in charge of the courts.

Madness in great ones must not get to much power. If our country gets to much power we will probably end up like the Romans and the Nazis. Sooner then later that is exactly what will happen.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Parents shouldnt Spy

If I had to pick an extent I would have to say that I believe that parents dont have the right to spy on us because it is our private buisness. If they dont want us to spy on their private buisness then they should do the same for us. If my mom or dad were to spy on me, I would spy on them ten fold . I would hate it if my parents would spy on me it would be crossing my own personal space, but its all good my parents trust me and they dont spy so I dont really have to worry about it.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Can A Mixed-out Nation Find true riches

No our thriftiness will not last as long as the recession because once we get money we want to spend it. our country is a selfish people who as soon as we get money we spend all we got so the people who own the companies will earn a buck and we will drop lower then we were before. i dont have much faith in our country right now, do you? My family is not spending as much as we used to but we are still spending alot because our car lot is still paying as much for cars.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hamlet act1, scene 3 Fatherly Advice

The Advice that my dad has given me was "dont spent your money all in one place." The advice was really valuable because i wanted a game at this one store and found out that it was cheaper at another place. yeah i have been in a situation where i had to use it. I had spent a lot of money at a baseball card shop. I saved some for a different shop and there was something I really wanted and was able to get it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Story Of Revenge

I know a guy who joined the army because when the japs bombed pearl harbor he got so furious he joined so he can go over and kill some japs and he was so crazy for every jap he killed he tatooed a skull on his body by the time he got out he had his right arm done and the top of his torso and he still tells me about each skull and go into detail about how he did it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I think that it would be a great idea because i would hate to see the greatest three compinies to all go down in fire. it would also be great because three companies that make basically the same car/truck would cut down and make 1 car for all three companies that would mean no more competition.
If there was no competition in the truck industry they could make the price what ever they wanted. So the price would most likely be really high. I dont want to see the companies go down but I dont want to see them come together.
I dont know what i want to happen actually but aslong as we dont lose all those companies i will just learn to deal with it. also their would be no more talk about which company would be better. i will just have to sit by and watch how the comunity changes before my eyes because i could not amagine what the world would be like without these three companies: Ford, Chevy, Chrysler

Friday, October 24, 2008

The bridge to nowhere is a bridge that never got finished and they started it 30 years ago and they never finished it, from a little town's airport in Ketchikan, Alaska. It is so famous because almost 250,00 people pass through the airport every year and almost 1,000,000 people who come each year visiting mostly on cruise ships. Sarah Palin became John McCains vice president nominee and their on television was them bragging about stopping the bridge to nowhere. No he does not convince me that he is correct because he is the mayor and they spent all the money on a bridge and it isnt finished so they need to stop wasting it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Drugs directly to consumers

I agree with what Stephen king said about it. Drug companies should not be allowed to market prescription drugs directly to consumers because they might not know what is in the drugs. They could pick a drug that could have something that they are allergic to and die. you could also get the presciption that could be the wrong one. I just think that it is stupid that were the only ones that do it when its wrong.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Next year

After high school I going to work fo awile but I am going to go to college and maybe become a chp officer. And then if i need to i will transfer somewhere to take their police courses and then go to the police academy. I dont really know what i want to do right now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Now pay for it

I think that we should not bail them out because it is their fault that they decided to do what they did. Who is stupid enough to let it get to $700 billion of bail. I mean how stupid can u be to take all that loans and not pay it back what morons. If you cant pay the money back why take all of that dough. $700 billion is alot of money, you could buy a life time supply of $5 footlongs at subway.