Friday, December 19, 2008


How are relationships between stepparents and stepchildren generlly depicted in fiction or film? Well in films stepparents and stepchildren usually dont get a long in the begining but as the film goes on they start to like each other. In real life that doesnt happen all the time. Sometimes they never get along.

I have lots of experience with or knowledge of step-relationships becauce I have a stepdad. My sister also has a lot of experinence with this to. My mom and stepdad met when i was six.My stepdad was my base ball coach so i new him before it happened. Then my mom and him started dating.

Me and my stepdad never really had conflicts and barriers that we had to over come. We got along just fine when we first met when I was playing tee ball. Ever sence than we really never fought or anything like that. My stepdad is like my best friend, he is not really like my stepdad.

There really arent any advantages to having a stepdad but you do get more presents then with out him. There are some postive aspects of this relationship. Like you have someone you can count on when ever you need it. You can tell him anything with out him telling you mom.

The relationships between stepdad and stepchildren are not always going to end up like the movies did like mine. They are going to vary between good and bad. I was lucky enough that i didnt have conflicts and barriers.

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