Monday, December 1, 2008

I think that it would be a great idea because i would hate to see the greatest three compinies to all go down in fire. it would also be great because three companies that make basically the same car/truck would cut down and make 1 car for all three companies that would mean no more competition.
If there was no competition in the truck industry they could make the price what ever they wanted. So the price would most likely be really high. I dont want to see the companies go down but I dont want to see them come together.
I dont know what i want to happen actually but aslong as we dont lose all those companies i will just learn to deal with it. also their would be no more talk about which company would be better. i will just have to sit by and watch how the comunity changes before my eyes because i could not amagine what the world would be like without these three companies: Ford, Chevy, Chrysler

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