Friday, December 19, 2008

Madness in great ones must not go unwatched

In the book "Hamlet" King Claudius states that "Madness in great ones must not go unwatched." He is refering to something like when our president dropped two nuclear warheads on japan. That wiped out a lot of people in japan and only if we kept a watch on him that might not have happened.

Madness in great ones is true in any time and age. The Romans and the Nazi's are good examples for this.The Romans expanded their empire to big, scattered their troops to wide and got ran over. Like the romans, the Nazis pretty much did the same thing as they did. Also the Nazis used genocide to kill all the jews in ways im not going to say.

In recent news stories president George Bush sent lots of troops to Iraq. He says that he went there because of threats of WMD. They went there and there was no weapons of mass distruction there. So it seems to me that they just went there to kick Iraqs ass. We have given our president to much power or are there people pulling strings behind the seens.

Our society keeps checks and balances on our "great one" by the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The Executive Branch has the President, Vice President, and all the cabinet members witch can pass or veto a bill. The Legislative branch has all together there are 535 congress members witch writes laws on bills and The Judiciary branch explains and applies the laws and is in charge of the courts.

Madness in great ones must not get to much power. If our country gets to much power we will probably end up like the Romans and the Nazis. Sooner then later that is exactly what will happen.

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