Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Video Games and Violence
Amanda Schaffer
Don't Shoot
Friday, April 27, 2007
March 11, 2009

This section was about weather or not video games really are linked to violence. It said that there were a few cases that were supposedly linked to video games. It talks about taking undergraduates and making them play two different games and see witch one that they were More violent at.
Henry Jenkins
Reality Bytes: Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked
The video game revolution
March 11,2009

This section was more about the strongest risk factors for school shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure. It talks about the percentage of men and women that play video games. It talks about the market and how its doing. It says that because games are used to train soldiers to kill, they have the same impact on the kids who play them.
Andrea Lynn
No strong link seen between violent video games and aggression
News Bureau
March 11, 2009

Players were not statistically different from the non-playing control group in their beliefs on aggression after playing the game than they were before playing. Nor was game play a predictor of aggressive behaviors. researchers have suspected a strong linkage between games and aggression but, with the exception of relatively short-term effects on young adults and children, they have yet to demonstrate this link.
Kristin Kalning
Does game violence make teens aggressive?
Fri., Dec. 8, 2006
March 11, 2009

They chose two action games to include in their research one violent and the other not. The first game was a non-violent racing game Need for Speed: Underground. The other was the violent first-person shooter Medal of Honor: Frontline. The team divided a group of 44 adolescents into two groups, and randomly assigned the kids to play one of the two games. Immediately after the play sessions, the children were given MRIs of their brains. Scans showed a negative effect on the teens who played Medal of Honor for 30 minutes. That same effect was not present in the kids who played Need for Speed.
Michael Kwan
Video Game Violence and Children
15 July 2007
March 12, 4009

The issue of video game violence and children has really come to the attention of mass media lately, and this is possibly because video games are more realistic than ever before. This is because games like this put the player right in the middle of the action, getting them to see everything from the main character's eyes as they slaughter their enemies. It is said that this desensitized young children to the violence being depicted. As such, they would not have the same aversive reaction that they normally would if they were to witness an atrociously violent act in real life.
American Psychological Association
Violent Video Games - Psychologists Help ProtectChildren from Harmful Effects
June 8, 2004
March 12, 2009

Fifty years' of research on violent television and movies has shown that there are several negative effects of watching such fare because video games are a newer medium, there is less research on them than there is on TV and movies. Dr. Anderson and colleagues have shown that playing a lot of violent video games is related to having more aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Psychologists have found that when parents limit the amount of time as well as the types of games their children play, children are less likely to show aggressive behaviors.

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