Monday, March 16, 2009

Where Education and Assimilation Collide

I think that we should not isolate them from the other students because they should be able to talk with them. The tensions have at times erupted into walkouts and cafeteria fights, including one in which immigrant students tore an American flag off the wall and black students responded by shouting, “Go back to your own country!” Sure they are going to fight but that happens everywhere.

We could stop a lot of this if we isolate them from the others but when they go out in the real world they are going to be surprised what is in store for them. A lot of people can pick out the people that were immigrants out of a group of people. They have to cope with a different way of life then they are used to. It could be a good idea to separate them from the other students while learning English because they wouldn't get harassed by the other students.

I think that the students should stay in school because eventually the laws would change. They would become citizens of this country, and they needed their diplomas so they could make something of themselves as Americans. Well the education would help them on ether side of the boarder.

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